RancakDiSitu now moved to www.rancakdisitu.com

Hi readers and viewers, we at RancakDiSitu are glad to announce that this blog are now moved to www.rancakdisitu.com or also officially known as "RancakDiSitu V.2"

Kepada semua pengunjung, kami di RancakDiSitu dengan rasa bangga dan sukacita ingin memaklumkan blog ini telah berpindah ke www.rancakdisitu.com atau dengan rasminya dikenali dengan "RancakDiSitu V.2"

Salam Sejahtera kepada semua pengunjung-pengunjung RancakDiSitu.

Mulai 26 Oktober 2009, semua tulisan-tulisan di RancakDiSitu telah dibuat di alamat URL baru kami: http://www.rancakdisitu.com . Ini adalah URL tetap setelah manyaksikan pengunjung seramai lebih dari 23,000 (Dua Puluh Tiga Ribu) orang semenjak 24 May 2008. Blog ini telah mendapat banyak perhatian dah telah menjadi panduan atau rujukan untuk pengguna-pengguna internet. Kami mendapati ramai yang memasuki blog ini melalui Google, Yahoo dan search engine yang lain dan ada yang meletakkan link blog RancakDiSitu di blog atau website mereka. Ini adalah berita gembira untuk kami.

Sehingga 31 Oktober 2009, proses pemindahan sedang dijalankan. Walaubagaimanapun, semua pos-pos terbaru dan yang telah ada di blogspot, akan berada di http://www.rancakdisitu.com  mulai 26 Oktober 2009. Mulai 1 November 2009, http://www.rancakdisitu.com akan digunakan secara rasminya.

Terima kasih kepada ahli-ahli rancakdisitu yang lain Epi, WanC, Nicham, Ah Meng, Matpit, dan juga Godfather yang memberi sokongan terhadap blog ni.

Terima Kasih kepada Matpit yang mencadangkan idea membuat blog bertujuan untuk sentiasa berhubung sesama ahli RancakDiSitu.

Cerita lanjut mengenai kami:



Good Day to all RancakDiSitu visitors.

Beginning 26th October 2009, all postings in RancakDisitu will be at our new URL: http://www.rancakdisitu.com . This will be our permenant URL as the visitors are now raeched 23,000 (Twenty Three Thousand) since 24th May 2008. This blog has been the guidance and reference for many users in the internet. We found people coming in from Google, Yahoo and other search engines and also put a link of this blog in thier blog or website too. This is a great news to us.

Until of 31st October 2009, the migration process is taking place. However, all latest and previous posts in blogspot will be in http://www.rancakdisitu.com since 26th October 2009. After 1st November 2009, http://www.rancakdisitu.com will be officially launch.

Thank you to other RancakDiSitu members: Epi, WanC, Nicham, Ah Meng, Matpit, and Godfather who are always supporting this blog.

Special Thanks to Matpit, the one who suggest to create a blog just to keep in touch among the RancakDiSitu members.

More about us:


################################################# yang melakukan post terakhir di http://rancakdisitu.blogspot.com the one doing final post in http://rancakdisitu.blogspot.com -- microprocessor -- #################################################

July 31, 2009

Status H1N1 UTP - dari khabar angin

Aku baru je terima email dari 2 orang kawan tentang status H1N1 di UTP. Aku rase ramai student UTP tertanya2 brape ramai yang confirm kene H1N1? brape ramai yang kene kuarantin? Bile lagi UTP nak tutup? Buat masa ni pihak UTP belum lagi mengeluar kan apa2 pengumuman rasmi berkenaan dengan status H1N1.
Aku nak share kat sini, email yang aku baru terima. Tujuan aku nak kongsi sebab nak meningkat kan tahap kepekaan terhadap virus yang di katakan mudah tersebar. Anda di nasihati supaya tak mempercayai bulat2 tentang artikel yang aku kongsi ni. Amik info2 yang bermanfaat bagi mengurang kan penyebaran virus ni.

Dear Staff,

As of Wednesday 29 July 2009, the Ministry of Health has reported a total of 1,266 H1N1 positive cases with 4 fatalities (574 import and 692 local). WHO has also reported a total of 169,753 cases of H1N1 and 1,125 fatalities among the 159 countries affected.

In UTP, we have started to screen and isolate students who are showing symptoms of Influenza-Liked Illnesses (ILI). Under the advise of Dr Saadah from UTP Health clinics, we have placed 73 students (52 males and 21 females) under quarantined in Duyong (old V5-males) and Village 2 (females). They continue to be observed and receive medical treatment from UTP Health Clinic Officers. Some of the students have recovered and released from being quarantined but continue to receive high number of new cases.

We have taken and sent 5 throat swab samples of the students with serious conditions for further analysis by the Health authorities and waiting for the results sometime soon. We will continue to monitor the situations and work closely with UTP Health clinic and District Medical Office (Perak Tengah). We will assist in providing facilities and support in Duyong (80 beds), V2C (64 beds) and house (16 beds).

Personnel from various departments (Residential College, HSE, SSS, security, administration and others) have provided full commitment in supporting the need of the students. We will also require volunteers to further assist us in providing support for the students who had to be quarantined.

Please continue to observe the need to monitors your health and maintain a good personal hygiene. Practice social distancing and avoid going to crowded public places to avoid possible spread of the virus.

If you develop the symptoms of ILI (high fever, sore throats, body ache and difficulty breathing), please seek immediate medical attention and follow the advise of the attending doctor. Wear the facemask to avoid further spread of the virus and impose a self quarantine if required.

Dr Mohd Noh Karsiti

Chairman H1N1 Taskforce.

Untuk pengetahuan salah seorang housemate aku dah kene kuarantin di blok Duyong. Mase aku pegi kelas Management Accounting petang tadi, lebih 30 orang dalam kelas tu tak pakai mask. Bagi aku, dengan tiadanya pengaliran udara dalam kelas tu, senang2 je kita akan berjangkit.Jadi pakai la mask bila kat tempat ramai orang.
Semoga pelajar2 UTP peka dengan penyebaran virus H1N1 ni.
Matpit Copy dari blog seseorang